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Wastewater Treatment Systems - Benefits of Pilot Testing

2019/3/13 23:12:41      view:
Bench Scale Testing vs. Pilot Scale Testing
Pilot testing is a smaller scale than a facility's live production but a much larger scale than laboratory bench scale testing. Water treatment companies use bench scale testing and other treatability testing methods on a smaller scale (between 5 gallons and 275 gallons) to determine the type of treatment program a facility's water requires. The treatment program can consist of chemical dosing only or include many treatment protocols in addition to chemical dosing such as membrane filtration, particle filtration, and disinfection. Depending on the volume of water and the complexity of the treatment program, the bench scale test will reveal a need for either a Batch treatment system or Continuous Flow treatment system.

Water treatment companies use pilot scale testing to further analyze the treatment program on a much larger scale that more closely represents live conditions within the manufacturing facility. They also use this testing method to allow their customers to see the treatment program succeed before they invest further in the full-scale system. This testing consists of an actual pilot system, which includes scaled down versions of the same equipment and water treatment protocols that would be included in the full-scale batch or continuous flow system. These systems can also include water recycling processes. They can be operated at the customer's facility or at the vendor's facility. In essence, customers can actually try it before they buy it.

Water Treatment Filter,Powder Dosing System,Water Analysis Equipment