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Why You Don't Need Residential Reverse Osmosis Water Systems

2019/4/25 9:13:25      view:

The companies that manufacture them have touted residential reverse osmosis water systems as the end all to be all water purification systems. You will still receive the same dose of chemical and biological contaminants even with the use of an R.O. system.
Only reverse osmosis systems residential owners that live outside of the mainline area actually receive any benefit from its use. Those drawing their water from wells or open water sources find the system necessary in order to remove silt. Even then they need additional filtering to actually purify their drinking water.
If you live within the service area of a water treatment facility then residential reverse osmosis water systems are a waste of money. The treatment facility has already run the water through repeated R.O. cycles to remove silt and sand, so no further filtering of that nature is necessary.
Many reverse osmosis systems residential owners are finding out about the shortcomings of their chosen filters very quickly. The machines can be quite expensive at up to $10,000 for a high quality system, and they run on electricity. You can expect your electric bill to take a big jump once this unit is in use.
The reverse osmosis systems residential owners use are extremely limited. All of the mineral composition has already been removed, so what is your system actually doing other than running your electric bill sky high? You are still in need of additional filtering, so if you haven't already bought one of these systems, then you should just forgo it.
There are far better methods of protection than residential reverse osmosis water systems. A home water purification system with a granulated activated carbon and multi block filter will remove all of the dangerous chemical contaminants that the R.O. system fails to remove.
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Contact person: Xia Miao
Add: Room 412, Xianglu Building, No. 3009, Gudai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

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