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Home Water Treatment System - Reasons to Get One in Your Home

2019/4/25 9:14:19      view:

In fact, here are 5 BIG reasons why every single house SHOULD have a home water treatment system.
REASON #1. There are so many health risks that come with drinking tap water that's contaminated.  We use chlorine (a chemical with known adverse health effects) as the primary disinfectant in our water system.  There have been over 2,000 synthetic chemicals found in the tap system that are carcinogenic! On top of this, we have to worry about consuming other contaminants like traces of lead, herbicides, pesticides, solvents, chlorinated byproducts (THMs), cysts and other chlorine-resistant parasites. 
REASON #2. The technology in our municipal treatment facilities is old and out-dated.  All they do is filter out all the visible stuff and then add chlorine is disinfect it.  A home water treatment system acts as the final step to assuring all the water you consume is safe, pure, and healthy.
REASON #3. If you have kids, then they are even more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water.  Children are not 'little adults.'  Their immune systems are under-developed, making contaminants much more dangerous when consumed.  Plus, children absorb 3 times as much water per pound of body weight, which means they get even bigger doses of these contaminants than humans do.
REASON #4. Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) are not safe for children and even some adults.  When the EPA determines MCLs, they pick levels that they ASSUME are safe for a 175-pound adult.  They also assume that only that one contaminant is in the water as well.  And mothers are using this water to make baby-formula!
REASON #5. A home water treatment system is actually a pretty cheap investment.  You don't have to buy popular brand-name systems that cost an arm and a leg to get.  The one we use in our home only cost us $100, and just $50 for each 6-month replacement filter.  And it's just as good at removing contaminants, if not better, than more expensive systems.
Or contact us
Tel: +86 021 5169 7580
Phone: +86 13817134452 &+86 13817145452 &+86 13918724674
Contact person: Xia Miao
Add: Room 412, Xianglu Building, No. 3009, Gudai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China


If you are interested in Membrane Water Treatment Systems, please check our website at for details.